LORENTZ Distribution Partner Soleil-Eau-Vie has run a training course

Dakar, Senegal, 11-13 August 2016

For the second time this year, Soleil Eau Vie sarl (SEV) has run a training course about LORENTZ pump and solar technology. During three days of training, more than 15 participants were trained and informed on how to size, install, and maintain a LORENTZ solar pumping system.

The participants were partner companies from all parts of Senegal, but also NGO representatives who regularly work with SEV sarl like GIZ, Croix Rouge Internationale etc.

It was an opportunity to present the new technological possibilities developed by LORENTZ such like supervision via PumpSCANNER and PumpMANAGER, and also the PSK pump range. The next training will take place in November 2016.

Soleil Eau Vie sarl has a 10 year-long experience with solar pumping systems in Senegal and is shaping the future by providing LORENTZ systems and technology to their business and technical partners in Senegal.


Senegal, Senegal, Soleil-Eau-Vie, Soleil-Eau-Vie, training course, training course
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