Managing the worlds natural resources

World Water Day


With the world’s population continuing to grow the demand for water is increasing. This increase is coming through the need for more drinking water, increased production of food and further industrialization. The worlds water resources are continually being stretched, estimates are that 2/3 of the world will suffer some form of water scarcity or water stress by 2025.

Solar pumps can be part of the solution

Solar pumps – Designed to pump the water needed

With a solar pump, the customer is investing in 20 years of power upfront. This means that a system is typically sized very accurately to deliver the water required. It is very common with AC powered pumps to buy the biggest pump that is affordable “just in case”.

The “right sizing” of a solar pump driven by upfront capital investment restrictions naturally moderates usage. Imagine buying a new car and having to pay for 20 years of fuel upfront, you would make sure it was sized for your needs!

You can’t manage what you can’t measure

Measuring levels of groundwater resources allows the long term studying of the impact that water abstraction has. If you can measure the ground water level and the water that is pumped then you can assess the impact and manage the problem.

How can LORENTZ products help?

With LORENTZ PS2 and PSk2 controllers you can measure up to 2 water levels. This could be a down well borehole level, level of water in a tank or the level of a lake or river. A liquid level sensor is connected to either or both analogue inputs. The sensors measure the depth of water above the sensor.

In addition to measuring and recording, the controllers can change pump behavior based on the water level, switching on or off the pump or even changing speed to maintain a constant level. Measurements are stored in the controller, with up to 10 years of history. The data can be analysed on the LORENTZ PumpScanner App. If real-time remote monitoring is required then the pumpMANAGER service allows monitoring and management from anywhere in the world.

With inbuilt intelligent control systems all pumps can also be limited in software to a maximum water amount per day.

LORENTZ solar pumps can make a positive contribution to the way we manage our natural resources.

drought, level measurement, lorentz ps2, lorentz psk2, natrural resources, water scarcity
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